Dental Implant Tissue Punch Kit 5 Pcs with Free Bur Holder
Dental Implant Tissue Punch Kit are available at in zamoksurgical “8 Pcs”, High Quality with Stainless Steel material. Osseodensification Burs Kit Saw Disk for dental implant involves the use of special drills run in a counter-clockwise direction at the Osteotomy site. It is claimed that this causes expansion of the osteotomy site, and increases density of the bone in immediate vicinity of the Osteotomy.
Dental Implant Punch
This is a device used to create a threaded channel in bone for a fixation screw or, prior to the insertion of a dental implant, into an osteotomy. A bone tap may be used to prepare the bone for the implant required for a prosthesis
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